Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Around town, around the neighborhood, and around the house...

 One day, we were shocked to see this giant wave of birds show up!  It was like the set for Alfred Hitchock's movie in real life!  Not sure what kind of birds they are, but we've had this happen a couple times now.  This was looking across the runway at our neighbor's house.
 I mean seriously, what the heck?!  There had to be thousands of birds...!!!  They didn't stay long and soon wheeled off as one giant horde.
  Not sure where to get a haircut, I ended up downtown in our nearest big city.  Here's the little plaza, nicely decorated for Christmas.
 A very cute old storefront (actually restaurant-front!  Joe - this is the place you were recommending we try, right?).
 In my travels that day, I stumbled on this gorgeous tree and beautiful historic home (built in 1906).

 Back on the homefront...  Tractor holds down the couch...
 We take the kitties out for a spin,
and run into neighbor Stella!  Contrary to her shirt's statement, she is a super sweet little wienie dog! 
 Back on board, the kitties are loving their ride!

 Ride over!
 Scratty enjoys a good bath on one of my antique pieces.  It was so nice to see our furniture again - after a 7-yr hiatus!  And fortunately, it held up to the storage and move just fine!  It was all a little moldy-looking at first, but responded well to polishing!
 Tractor stakes out a new favorite spot for the cats - the dining chairs.  Amazing how well hidden a cat can be when the chair is properly tucked in under the table!!!  We have "lost" the cats several times this way!
 At this point, I hadn't figured out where everything was going to go, so laundry and clothes just got piled up initially.  Tracky took good advantage of this fact...
 So did Scratty.
 So sometimes the cats sleep on the chairs.  Sometimes they climb into bags hung on the chairs...
I would never have known there was a cat in this bag except the dogs gave it away...!
 Scratty is fully discovered!  But does she care?  Nah!  She just snuggles in for a nice little nap in her new hammock!

 Another component of moving in was figuring out where to put the animals' water bowl and the kitty litterbox, and where to feed everybody.  The cats didn't mind the uncertainty - they are very flexible with this and can eat anywhere!!!!
 Tractor helps me decide what to put where in my desk...
 And Scratty doesn't want the couch to feel lonely...
 and gives it a big hug!!
(the only piece of furniture that we decided did not fit into our new home was a curved couch piece, so it's living in the hangar now...)
 And here is one of my box-unpacking helpers...
 What do you do with all that wrapping/padding material?!  Play with it, of course!!!!
 All that noisy whirling and swatting tends to draw attention...
Aaaww, kisses.  It's just such a shame that our critters can't get along with one another...  We really worry about that... (not!)

1 comment:

  1. Oh Yes!! for certain, if I have folded laundry, cats find it immediately and curl up on top!! I'm so glad you are meeting neighbors and settling into your new surroundings.
